If you’ve ever taken any sales training, you’ve been taught that in order to have the most effective sales, you must identify and dig into your potential client’s pain, then make the sale by solving his or her pain.
Our guest today doesn’t believe that’s the only way to go. Michele PW (Pariza Wacek) is the best-selling author of the “Love-Based Business” series of books that share how to sell more with love and build a solid, profitable business on a foundation of love. In addition, she owns a copywriting and marketing company along with writing and publishing fiction.
Michele’s Top 5 CliftonStrengths Themes are:
1. Strategic
2. Intellection
3. Positivity
4. Activator
5. Individualization
To grab your free book “How to Start a Business You Love AND That Loves You Back,” visit LoveBasedBiz.com