Episode 080 Show Notes: Processes and Priorities: How to Use Your Strengths to Improve Efficiency, Scale, and Make More Money with Dawn Sinkule
“Are you spending your time on things that are making you money? If you’re not, then those things shouldn’t be a priority.”
—Dawn Sinkule
Sometimes being a “visionary,” as many entrepreneurs are, can feel like the opposite of running a highly process oriented business. But you know that such processes are vital to growing your business. Dawn Sinkule gives great advice and insight today!
About Dawn Sinkule
Dawn, the Founder Virtual Point Solutions Inc. is an MBA graduate, Strategy and Business Growth Consultant, a Certified Online Business Manager (OBM) with more than 16 years’ experience working for a Fortune 50 company.
Dawn and her team, work with 6- and 7-figure business owners who want to grow, expand, and explode their businesses! Virtual Point Solutions provides business strategies, automation, and systems to ensure your business turns from chaos into cash flow.
Dawn’s Top 5 StrengthsFinder Strengths
- Achiever
- Competition
- Relator
- Learner
- Discipline
Key Takeaways
- Some Strengths have names (like Discipline and Strengths) that have different definitions in everyday use. It is important to separate the two (everyday vs. Strengths) so you do not allow the everyday to affect how you react to or connect with your Strengths.
- Work your Strengths into your business to bring you and those around you energy.
- As a consultant, coach or other business professional, you should have a vetting process to determine that the potential client and you are the right fit for one another.
- Running your business may be a passion of yours. And you should live in your passion. But you cannot do what you love if you do not make any money doing it. The point of having a business is to impact your audience, but it requires money to be able to do that.
Listen in now!
Alissa Daire Nelson Processes and Priorities: How to Use Your Strengths to Improve Efficiency, Scale, and Make More Money with Dawn Sinkule Processes and Priorities: How to Use Your Strengths to Improve Efficiency, Scale, and Make More Money with Dawn Sinkule
Time-Stamped Show Highlights
Breaking things into tangible tasks and seeing things through to completion are super exciting.
- [7:35] – Who Dawn leans into for their different Strengths
People who are very Futuristic and can think Big Picture and let the creative process drive—those are the people I try to make sure I have in my circle somewhere.
- [9:41] – Who Dawn’s Strengths most benefit
I can be most successful with people who do not understand how to put things in order, but have desire and discipline to want to get it done.
- [12:04] – A deeper discussion of Discipline
Discipline, as Gallup defines it, is not the same “discipline” as you would refer to as work ethic. There are many people that value discipline. Discipline, as a theme, gets its energy with order, structure, chunking down big projects, keeping a good schedule, and having mental and physical order.
- [15:05] – The role of a vetting process in hiring out services
- [18:12] – Theme of Competition and how it shows up for Dawn
I’ve always had and been competitive with other people—I do want to win and I like being Number One. But it really goes more internal for me. This is where my Learner ties into Competition. I spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to do something. If you tell me there’s no way to do something, I will leverage Learner and find a way to get it done.
- [22:56] – How Strengths blend together
There were parts that sounded like Restorative and others that sounded like Maximizer. If you break it down, the roots of those are Competition and Learner. It is interesting to see how certain Strengths blend. And why it matters which Strengths are blending—if you know these things to be true, then you know where you will thrive.
- [24:29] – Dawn’s tips for business owners who feel lost in chaos
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the big to-do list that we sometimes forget some of those little day-to-day things that can really add up and make a big difference in your business. It’s really all about understanding priorities … and understanding where you need to be spending your time as a business owner.
- [27:02] – The importance of making money in your business
If you don’t care if this isn’t making you money, then go volunteer. Use your business to make money! Embrace the fact that it is okay that you are going after the dollar as well as the impact.