Episode 073 Show Notes: Need a Superhero to Save You? Use Your Strengths! (With Elisa Hays)
In 2014, 14 months after winning the WFA Barham Award, Elisa Hays was hit by an 18-wheeler truck. She was propelled 90 feet through the air and ultimately to where she is now—in a position to show organizations and audiences internationally how to lead lives of real impact. She joins us today because of her amazing story of tragedy and how she has used her Strengths to move forward with her life.
About Elisa Hays

Elisa is a successful entrepreneur, innovator and entertainer with over 30 years of experience. Her work has educated and inspired thousands of people throughout North America and in faraway locations such as Japan and the Marshall Islands. As the founder and CEO of Let’s Pretend Entertainment, she led teams of performers to produce winning smiles, lasting memories and loyal clients at fairs, festivals and corporate events. She even invented and patented the world’s only play-based hand washing system – but that’s another story. In her own words she, “served on boards, won awards, and drove big Fords!”
When not working, she can be found beating her husband at cribbage, organizing her children’s lives and flossing her teeth like a pro… Or maybe that last one was a dream. (Elisa’s business card does say “Chief Daydreamer” after all, so anything’s possible.)
Elisa’s Top 5 StrengthsFinder Strengths
- Ideation
- Futuristic
- Self-Assurance
- Maximizer
- Input
Key Takeaways
- It is so important to understand what actually makes up your own self-worth so you can lean into that even when you are at the lowest points in life.
- There is no linear progression through life or recovery from trauma. But you can find strength in your Strengths to move forward.
- Knowing your Strengths, actually naming them, helps you embrace them and honor them every day.
- Choose to live in your Strengths!
Listen in now!
Alissa Daire Nelson Need a Superhero to Save You? Use Your Strengths!
Time-Stamped Show Highlights
- [4:04] – Elisa’s Strengths and how they play together
- [5:27] – The semi-accident that changed Elisa’s life
- [14:04] –A discussion of self-worth
- [16:57] – How Elisa shifted her viewpoint on her own self-worth
I don’t need to prove that I’m somehow worth it, because that has been shown. I have habits—really bad workaholic habits that I’m still grappling with. But I keep coming back to where our value really sits. I get to look at people and see them differently—I get to pay more attention to who people are, not what they do.
- [21:23] – How to use your own Strengths to help you face even the hardest of circumstances
You don’t have Elisa’s Strengths, especially in her order. You can lean into whatever Strengths you have. And you can look to Elisa and how she has coped and how she has used her own Strengths to shift how she sees herself and others. Rather than using this traumatic experience as an excuse to give up, Elisa has turned it into something that will actually inspire others.
- [24:51] – When Elisa knew she’d move to becoming a public speaker
- [26:51] – How knowing her Strengths helped Elisa move forward
I have days that I don’t want to go bed, and it’s not because of pain … And then I will contemplate the Strengths that I have and think, “OK, what can I muster up right now?” It’s about being intentional on how I can apply those Strengths, knowing that I have them.
- [30:35] – Taking StrengthsFinder to identify your innate talents
Having the words in black and white is really helpful. It will give you massive insight into the “how” you’re going to get through some of these things.
Be kind. Be kind to yourself. … Allow for kindness to exist.
Selected Links for This Episode
- Elisa Hays’ website
- Elisa’s YouTube video
- Elisa’s blog
- Follow Elisa on Twitter
- Connect with Elisa on Facebook
- Alan Bruess on MYS Ep. 011