068: All About Strategic with Tinus Van der Merwe

Maximize your strengths podcast alissa daire nelson
Maximize Your Strengths
068: All About Strategic with Tinus Van der Merwe

Our guest expert for this episode all about the StrengthsFinder 2.0 theme of Strategic is Strengths Strategy certified coach Tinus Van der Merwe.

About Tinus Van der Merwe

Tinus van der Merwe, Strengths Strategy certified coach

Tinus says simply he was born to coach and work with people to find and develop their best selves. He is particularly gifted in co-creating new insights with his clients. Tinus has an infectious passion for coaching and abundance of care for his clients. He helps individuals and organizations break down dysfunctional frameworks and build new ones where they unleash their peak potential.

Tinus’s Top 5 StrengthsFinder Strengths

  1. Strategic
  2. Activator
  3. Ideation
  4. Connectedness
  5. Futuristic

Key Takeaways

  • People exceptionally talented in the Strategic Theme create alternative ways to proceed. Faced with any given scenario, they can quickly spot the relevant patterns and issues.
  • One of the gifts that Strategic brings is being able to ask “what if?” and “is that really true?”
  • One trigger for Strategic is being stuck in a box. This is similar to Ideation’s trigger of not having someone there who is willing to listen to other ideas.
  • Strategic does not like to be told what to do, or in the alternative, being told that their way is the wrong way or isn’t going to work.

Listen in now!

Alissa Daire Nelson         Tinus Van der Merwe             

Time-Stamped Show Highlights

  • [3:44] – Tinus’s definition of Strategic

It is the ability to see dynamics in any situation, to flush them out. It’s almost like seeing patterns and making sense of it.

  • [4:41] – Alissa’s Strategic in action
  • [4:52] – Strategic in combination with Activator
  • [6:37] – Contributions Strategic brings to a team

I see things other people don’t… I can see all the “what ifs” and then ask questions. It is about bringing about new insights.

  • [8:32] – Strategic applied to others versus one’s self
  • [11:43] – Strategic’s triggers and frustrations
  • [17:07] – The lens by which you see the world…

No one sees the world with the same lens. The question is how to have everyone come together and lean into one another’s Strengths.

  • [22:26] – Using Strategic to help people in polarizing situations
  • [25:20] – Tips for applying Strategic in your life

You can expand other people’s worlds! Ask them, “What if we shift this a little bit and add this? What would that be like?” Just by asking the question, you can help them see things differently.

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