064: All About Self Assurance with Steve Jeffs

Maximize your strengths podcast alissa daire nelson
Maximize Your Strengths
064: All About Self Assurance with Steve Jeffs

We talk all things Self Assurance in this episode of Maximize Your Strengths episode with Steve Jeffs, Strengths Strategy faculty member.

About Steve Jeffs

Steve Jeffs is a Senior Strengths Strategist, and part of the psychometric assessment team, developing Strengths Strategy’s measurement and assessment tools. He is a CTI-certified coach, and is also a faculty member for the Coaches Training Institute, teaching others how to coach effectively. Additionally, he is currently working on his Doctorate of Business Administration, focused on Leadership.

Steve Jeffs

Steve was awarded a Top 50 Most Influential Global Coaching Leader for 2016 by CHRO Asia. He’s been coaching, consulting and teaching for over 20 years. His background as an Organizational Psychologist makes him a favorite among senior leaders, and his international experience makes him fluid in many cultures. Steve can flex readily and easily to meet diverse needs.

Steve’s Top 5 StrengthsFinder Strengths

  1. Ideation
  2. Self Assurance
  3. Relator
  4. Learner
  5. Futuristic

Key Takeaways

  • People talented in Self Assurance theme feel confident in their ability to manage their own lives. They possess an inner compass that gives them confidence that their decisions are right.
  • Triggers for those with high Self Assurance are people who are passive and who do not take control of a situation.
  • Self Assurance in overuse looks like overconfidence, where you feel you see things with more clarity than anyone else around you.
  • Self Assurance also tends to over-independence and failure to delegate.
  • To make Self Assurance shine, take an active interest in other people’s thoughts and perspectives, so you can move forward and bring others with you.
  • Remember, StrengthsFinder is a blueprint—it gives you a framework where your natural, innate talents are. Once you have words around them, you can grow in them. But your top 5 are only a place to start looking—it doesn’t mean you don’t have other high talents.

Listen in now!

Alissa Daire Nelson         All About Self Assurance with Steve Jeffs             

Time-Stamped Show Highlights

  • [2:57] – Steve’s definition of Self Assurance

It’s a knowing that I can make it work; that every situation I am going to be in will sort itself out.

  • [3:49] – Self Assurance and confident vulnerability
  • [4:03] – The difference between self-esteem and the Strength of Self Assurance
  • [6:33] – Exploring who you through the lens of StrengthsFinder
  • [11:35] – Toxic triangles and interdependence

Organizations are really good at creating toxic triangle situations. These toxic triangles don’t feel toxic, because they are what we find ourselves in on a normal, day-to-day basis. But this normalcy isn’t all there is.

  • [17:21] – Tips for someone who is just discovering their Self Assurance

It is easy to become frustrated when other people seem scared or are hesitant. Realizing that frustration comes from “holding back” and being passive is important. They are triggers for Self Assurance. Pay attention to the times you are getting frustrated and what you are expecting.

  • [19:56] – Self Assurance in overuse
  • [22:23] – Keeping Self Assurance in check

Ask those around you to speak up. Also, listen and pay attention to what is not being said, to facilitate people with quiet perspectives.

  • [24:59] – Using interdependence and Strengths to build teams

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